[08] Ragnarok: Zero 4th Day Maintenance Guide
[ 2017.11.22 ]
NOTE: I've only chosen the parts I deem important from this news article. For the full version, see the link to the original at the bottom.
2. Mjolnir regional quests added:
- Ascending: mjolnir_03 216, 239 (available at base level 59)
- Herbalist: mjolnir_08 169, 250
3. New equipment was added:
Elementary Kingdom Cloak [1] (하급 봉사의 망토 [1]) + 3 others added
Intermediate Kingdom Cloak [1] (중급 봉사의 망토 [1]) + 3 others added
Advanced Kingdom Cloak [1] (상급 봉사의 망토 [1]) + 3 others added
Desert Sand Robe [1] (사막 가죽 로브 [1]) (maybe, the original Korean (사막 모래 로브) doesn't quite match this equip's name)