Tip Box
In Ragnarok Zero, the Tip Box contains a lot of useful information. It feels like the kRO team revamped the Tip Box content a bit to be more helpful to players. This page attempts to translate all of the ingame Tip Box entries into English. Click here to see the extracted Korean Tip Box.
You can open the Tip Box by using /tip, Alt+D or clicking the Tip Box icon.
From the Tip Box you can get useful information to enjoy the game.
For more information, try entering a search term in the search bar.
By typing /h, you can see useful commands to use in Ragnarok.
Commands with / can be used by entering them in the chat window.
Indicates a character's health.
When HP becomes 0, combat becomes impossible. Experience points may drop depending on the location, so be careful with HP management.
You can turn on/off the HP/SP gauge at the bottom of the character by pressing the Alt + END keys.
Indicates a character's mental power.
SP is consumed when skills are used. Skills cannot be used when SP reaches 0, so be careful with SP management.
You can turn on/off the HP/SP gauge at the bottom of the character by pressing the Alt + END keys.
You can level up by hunting monsters or completing quests to gain experience points.
As you increase your base level by gaining EXP, you can earn status points that determine your character's basic abilities.
If you gain JOBEXP and raise your job level, you can get skill points to raise your character's skills.
It directly affects the character's melee physical attack power, increasing basic attack damage.
In addition, the weight limit (Weight) increases, allowing you to carry more items.
- ▶ Status: AGI (Agility)
- ▶ Status: VIT (Health)
- ▶ Status: INT (Intelligence)
- ▶ Status: DEX (Dexterity)
- ▶ Status: LUK (Luck)
It directly affects the character's speed, increasing attack speed and evasion rate.
It also affects physical defense.
- ▶ Status: STR (Strength)
- ▶ Status: VIT (Health)
- ▶ Status: INT (Intelligence)
- ▶ Status: DEX (Dexterity)
- ▶ Status: LUK (Luck)
It directly affects the character's health and increases Max HP.
In addition, it increases physical defense and magic defense, and also affects automatic HP recovery.
- ▶ Status: STR (Strength)
- ▶ Status: AGI (Agility)
- ▶ Status: INT (Intelligence)
- ▶ Status: DEX (Dexterity)
- ▶ Status: LUK (Luck)
It directly affects the character's magic attack power and increases magic damage.
In addition, it shortens the casting time, increases magic defense, and increases the Max SP amount, allowing you to use more magic.
- ▶ Status: STR (Strength)
- ▶ Status: AGI (Agility)
- ▶ Status: VIT (Vitality)
- ▶ Status: DEX (Dexterity)
- ▶ Status: LUK (Luck)
It directly affects the character's ranged physical attack power, increasing ranged attack damage.
In addition, it increases the chance of successful attack by increasing the hit rate, shortening the casting time, and increasing the magical attack power.
- ▶ Status: STR (Strength)
- ▶ Status: AGI (Agility)
- ▶ Status: VIT (Vitality)
- ▶ Status: INT (Intelligence)
- ▶ Status: LUK (Luck)
It directly affects the character's critical hit rate, increasing the chance of inflicting critical damage on monsters.
Also, it affects the accuracy, evasion rate, physical attack power, and magic attack power, but the efficiency is low compared to other statuses, so you need to be careful when investing points.
- ▶ Status: STR (Strength)
- ▶ Status: AGI (Agility)
- ▶ Status: VIT (Vitality)
- ▶ Status: INT (Intelligence)
- ▶ Status: DEX (Dexterity)
If you stand still without taking any action, your HP and SP are restored little by little. Recovers twice as much while sitting.
If your weight is over 70%, automatic recovery will not occur.
It represents the weight of the character and the weight of the current item.
You can carry items as much as Weight, and if the weight of the item exceeds the limit, you can't carry more items.
If Weight is 70% or higher, HP and SP are not automatically restored. Also, above 90%, players cannot attack or use skills.
When you move the mouse cursor over the monster, the cursor changes to a sword shape.
At this time, you can attack with a click.
If you attack a monster while holding down the Ctrl key, you will attack automatically until you kill the monster, and you can cancel it by clicking anywhere else.
Also, if you type /noctrl, you can automatically attack without pressing Ctrl.
Auto-attack mode can be canceled by re-entering /noctrl while auto-attack is turned on.
You can earn experience points by hunting monsters.
The experience gained from monsters is proportional to the damage dealt to the monster, but even if the same damage is dealt, the first person to attack the monster will receive more experience.
Items that have fallen on the floor can be picked up by moving the mouse over the item and left-clicking.
The items you pick up will be placed in your inventory-owned items.
- ▶ Inventory: Owned Items
- ▶ Items: Magnifying Glass
- ▶ Inventory: Loud Speaker
- ▶ Item Manufacturing Guide
Equipment items obtained from monsters are not identified. Unidentified items can be identified using a Magnifying Glass sold in the Tool Shop.
You can activate the chat window with the Enter key. Write what you want to say and press the Enter key again to send the conversation.
- ▶ Chatting: Chat Room
- ▶ Chatting: Whispers
- ▶ Chatting: Party
- ▶ Chatting: Guild
- ▶ Chatting: Chat Window
- ▶ Chatting: Content Display
- ▶ Blocking
- ▶ Emotes
- ▶ Chatting: Save Conversation