Glast Heim
Ragnarok Zero added a variety of different content to Glast Heim (GH). From Fever dungeons, daily EXP quests, and new items and gear, there's a lot to do in GH!
Fever Dungeons
There are four GH Fever Dungeons. Staircase (Steps), Chivalry 2F, Underground Prison 2F, and Underground Cave. This section describes how each map works, the monsters to be found there, and the items that they drop / that can be crafted from what drops there.
Staircase Dungeon (gl_step)

The Flame & Ice Ghosts in this Fever Dungeon are divided into factions. There is a counter for each boss, Awakened Flame Ghost or Awakened Ice Ghost. Killing the equivalent monster increases the counter for that boss, while decreasing the counter for the other boss. For example, if you kill a Flame Ghost, the counter to spawn the Awakened Flame Ghost goes up, while the counter to spawn the Awakened Ice Ghost goes down.
These monsters changed over time in the following ways:
- 2018.02.28 Page Update
→ Flame Ghost EXP went from 1670 base / 1310 job to 1704/1207.
→ Ice Ghost EXP went from 1620 base / 1283 job to 1704/1207.
→ Awakened Flame & Ice Ghost EXP 777500 / 350000 lowered to 697500 / 348750.

- Level: 97
- HP: 12100
- DEF/MDEF: 64/51
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Wind LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1510/1221

- Level: 100
- HP: 9233
- DEF/MDEF: 98/43
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Wind LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1387/1316

- Level: 82
- HP: 3935
- DEF/MDEF: 88/42
- Class: Normal
- Family: Brute
- Property: Poison LV2
- Size: Small
- EXP/JEXP: 970/905

- Level: 115
- HP: 21981
- DEF/MDEF: 89/15
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Shadow LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 2246/2150

- Level: 105
- HP: 73864
- DEF/MDEF: 232/114
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Water LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 13870/13160

- Level: 120
- HP: 147264
- DEF/MDEF: 329/60
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Shadow LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 18000/13690

- Level: 107
- HP: 14100
- DEF/MDEF: 67/102
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Fire LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1704/1207

- Level: 107
- HP: 14100
- DEF/MDEF: 67/102
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Water LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1704/1207

- Level: 125
- HP: 1550000
- DEF/MDEF: 104/151
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demon
- Property: Fire LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 697500/348750

- Level: 125
- HP: 1550000
- DEF/MDEF: 104/151
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demon
- Property: Water LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 697500/348750
A note was added in the 2019.04.10 page update linking to the Random Options → Fever Options → Armor section of the kRO website. I assume this is to clarify what kind of Random Options are on the equipment dropped by the monsters on this map.
![Blaze Staff [1]](
- Dropped By: Flame Ghost
- Can Wear: Mage series, Acolyte series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 70 · ATK: 70
- Contains fire magic. Be careful not to burn yourself while using it.
- MATK +125, MaxSP +100
- +10% [Meteor Storm] and [Fire Pillar] damage.*Increased from 5% to 10% in 2018.02.28
- If +7 or higher, +5% additional [Meteor Storm] and [Fire Pillar] damage.
- If +9 or higher, +5% additional [Meteor Storm] and [Fire Pillar] damage.
![Ice Staff [1]](
- Dropped By: Flame Ghost
- Can Wear: Mage series, Acolyte series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 70 · ATK: 70
- Contains water magic. Be careful of frostbite while using it.
- MATK +125, MaxSP +100
- +10% [Storm Gust], [Frost Nova] and [Frost Diver] damage.*Damage increased from 5% to 10% & [Frost Nova] & [Frost Diver] added in 2018.02.28
- If +7 or higher, +5% additional [Storm Gust], [Frost Nova] and [Frost Diver] damage.
- If +9 or higher, +5% additional [Storm Gust], [Frost Nova] and [Frost Diver] damage.
![Staff of Blue Flame [1]](
- Crafted From: See below
- Can Wear: Mage series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 130 · ATK: 45
- Contains magic crystals of water and fire.
- MATK +230, MaxSP +150, INT +5
- +5% water and fire damage.
- Chance to reduce Variable Cast Time of magic attacks by 30% for 7 seconds.
- If +7 or higher, +10% water and fire damage.
- If +9 or higher, +10% water and fire damage, -5% Variable Cast Time.
The Blaze and Ice Staffs can get random options.
To craft the Staff of Blue Flame talk to Altos (알토스) at gl_step 110/127. To see the ingredients needed, head to the Craftable Equipment page.
Enchanting Staff of Blue Flame
Consumes 1 Mithril or 1 Gel Star and enchants the Staff of Blue Flame [1]. The staff can be enchanted up to two times (2x). Has a 30% chance of destroying the staff when using Mithril, 0% with Gel Star. Different chances are given depending on the level of the enchant, and two of the same enchant can be given.
Enchant | Description |
![]() | MATK +5, -3% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +10, -3% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +15, -3% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +20, -3% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +30, -5% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +6, -4% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +9, -6% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +12, -8% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +15, -10% Variable Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +1%, -1% Fixed Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +2%, -1% Fixed Cast Time |
![]() | MATK +3%, -1% Fixed Cast Time |
![]() | INT +1 |
![]() | INT +2 |
![]() | INT +3 |
![]() | INT +4 |
![]() | VIT +1 |
![]() | VIT +2 |
![]() | VIT +3 |
![]() | VIT +4 |
![]() | MaxHP +100 |
![]() | MaxHP +200 |
![]() | MaxHP +300 |
![]() | MaxSP +50 |
![]() | MaxSP +100 |
Chivalry 2 (gl_knt02)

Boss stats are determined according to the type of the special monster that was killed the most in the Fever dungeon. Note: It's unclear exactly how this works, and finding sources is difficult. Any information that can be provided would be great!

- Level: 115
- HP: 21981
- DEF/MDEF: 89/15
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Shadow LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 2246/2150

- Level: 120
- HP: 147264
- DEF/MDEF: 329/60
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Shadow LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 18000/13690

- Level: 82
- HP: 4809
- DEF/MDEF: 63/40
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Shadow LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 970/905

- Level: 105
- HP: 124232
- DEF/MDEF: 126/80
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demon
- Property: Shadow LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 16529/12190

- Level: 122
- HP: 34686
- DEF/MDEF: 102/50
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Shadow LV4
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 3071/2948

- Level: 118
- HP: 27456
- DEF/MDEF: 125/10
- Class: Normal
- Family: Undead
- Property: Undead LV1
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 2866/2368

- Level: 100
- HP: 9233
- DEF/MDEF: 93/73
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Neutral LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1387/1316

- Level: 116
- HP: 342500
- DEF/MDEF: 122/50
- Class: Boss
- Family: Formless
- Property: Shadow LV4
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 233880/21480
![Royal Knight's Greatsword [1]](
- Dropped By: Raydric
- Can Wear: Swordsman series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 150 · ATK: 165
- Heavy Greatsword used by honorable Knights.
- +10% ASPD, CRIT +5
- If +7 or higher, +10% critical damage.
- If +9 or higher, +10% critical damage, ASPD +1.
![Royal Knight's Lance [1]](
- Dropped By: Raydric
- Can Wear: Swordsman series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 250 · ATK: 180
- White lance used by honorable Knights.
- +10% [Holy Cross] and [Pierce] damage.
- If +7 or higher, +5% additional [Holy Cross] and [Pierce] damage.
- If +9 or higher, +5% [Holy Cross] and [Pierce] damage.
![Khalitzburg's Armor [1]](
- Dropped By: Khalitzburg
- Can Wear: All
- Required Level: 75
- Weight: 100 · DEF: 35
- Armor used by honorable Knights.
- MaxHP +150.
- If +7 or higher, +150 additional MaxHP.
- If +9 or higher, +250 additional MaxHP.
![Khalitzburg's Helm [1]](
- Crafted From: See below
- Can Wear: All
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 70 · DEF: 10
- Helmet used by honorable Knights.
- CRIT +3.
- If +7 or higher, +2 additional CRIT.
- If +9 or higher, +5% critical damage.
![Witch's Broom [1]](
- Dropped By: Alice
- Can Wear: Mage series, Acolyte series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 40 · ATK: 50
- A normal looking broom that feels of power. It seems that ordinary people cannot ride and fly on it.
- On receiving a physical attack, chance to trigger Quagmire Lvl 1. (Probability is halved when hit by a ranged attack.)
- MATK +125
- Increase magic damage against Formless monsters by 5%.
- If +7 or higher, -10% Variable Cast Time.
- If +9 or higher, +10% magic damage against Formless monsters.
The above non-craftable items can get random options.
To see the ingredients needed to craft the Khalitzburg's Helm [1], head to the Craftable Equipment page.
Underprison 2 (gl_prison01)

Boss stats are determined according to the type of the special monster that was killed the most in the Fever dungeon. Note: It's unclear exactly how this works, and finding sources is difficult. Any information that can be provided would be great!

- Level: 91
- HP: 8378
- DEF/MDEF: 95/41
- Class: Normal
- Family: Undead
- Property: Undead LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1342/1088

- Level: 89
- HP: 6902
- DEF/MDEF: 89/28
- Class: Normal
- Family: Undead
- Property: Undead LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1194/976

- Level: 102
- HP: 12408
- DEF/MDEF: 440/50
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Neutral LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 1565/1487

- Level: 98
- HP: 9939
- DEF/MDEF: 109/30
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Neutral LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 1349/1278

- Level: 82
- HP: 3935
- DEF/MDEF: 88/42
- Class: Normal
- Family: Brute
- Property: Poison LV2
- Size: Small
- EXP/JEXP: 970/905

- Level: 95
- HP: 8087
- DEF/MDEF: 76/31
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Neutral LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1292/1221

- Level: 109
- HP: 14761
- DEF/MDEF: 162/70
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Undead LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1476/1328

- Level: 105
- HP: 623000
- DEF/MDEF: 91/99
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demi-human
- Property: Neutral LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 123450/61725
![Prisoner's Diary [1]](
- Dropped By: Prison Breaker
- Can Wear: Sage series, Priest series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 50 · ATK: 125
- A prisoner's diary with some secrets.
- +10% physical damage against Undead monsters.
- When worn with Jumpsuit, low chance to increase CRIT rate by 30% for 6 seconds when doing normal physical attack.
- If +7 or higher, +5% additional physical damage against Undead monsters.
- If +9 or higher, +10% additional physical damage against Undead monsters, ASPD +1.

- Dropped By: Zombie & Skeleton Prisoner
- Can Wear: All
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 150 · DEF: 5
- Striped uniform worn by all prisoners. Blood smears are everywhere, but they are old and faint.
- HIT and FLEE increase as the refine rate increases.
- When worn with Shackles, ATK +5. Additional increased ATK based on refin rate of Shackles.
![Prison Watcher [1]](
- Dropped By: Injustice
- Can Wear: Assassin series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 100 · ATK: 140
- A sharp prison katar.
- +20% [Sonic Blow] damage.
- +1% ASPD per 2 refine.
- If +7 or higher, +10% critical damage.
- If +9 or higher, +10% additional critical damage.
![Guardian's Sword [1]](
- Dropped By: Rybio
- Can Wear: Crusader series
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 150 · ATK: 130
- Ritual sword used by the guardians of the castle.
- MATK +120, +50 MaxHP per level of [Faith], DEF +2.
- If +7 or higher, +20 additional MaxHP per level of [Faith].
- If +9 or higher, +30 additional MaxHP per level of [Faith].
![Shackles [1]](
- Dropped By: Injustice, Phendark
- Can Wear: All
- Required Level: 10
- Weight: 240 · DEF: 0
- A specially-crafted restraint cuff.
- ATK +5.
- +1 ATK per Shackles refine.
- When worn with Bloody Iron, +10 ATK.
- When worn with Jumpsuit, +2 ATK per Jumpsuit refine.
- When worn with Blindfold or Blindfold [1], +10 ATK.

- Dropped By: Zealotus
- Can Wear: All except Novice
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 40 · DEF: 3
- A mask that symbolizes Zealotus, the owner of the Glast Heim Prison.
- +5% physical damage to Demi-humans
- -5% damage from Demi-humans
![Nata Dagger [2]](
- Dropped By: Prison Breaker (Einbroch Weapon Random Options)
- Can Wear: Ninja series
- Required Level: 100
- Weight: 70 · ATK: 140
- A dagger that only some skilled senior ninjas can handle well.
- ATK +2%.
- If +7 or higher, +10% Kunai damage.
- If +9 or higher, +10% additional Kunai damage.
Nata Dagger was added in the 2019.04.10 page update.
A note was added in the 2019.04.10 page update linking to the Random Options → Fever Options → Armor section of the kRO website. I assume this is to clarify what kind of Random Options are on the equipment dropped by the monsters on this map.
Cave 1 (gl_dun01)

Boss monsters spawn normally. Sting and Arclouze with stars in front of their names count towards a 10,000 kill goal, which once reached, enables "Fever Mode".
"Fever Mode" spawns Sting and Arclouze in significantly greater quantities (without stars). These spawns are easier to kill then their starred counterparts. Fever Mode lasts for 30 minutes.

- Level: 109
- HP: 16615
- DEF/MDEF: 61/11
- Class: Normal
- Family: Fish
- Property: Water LV1
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1887/1801

- Level: 82
- HP: 3935
- DEF/MDEF: 88/42
- Class: Normal
- Family: Brute
- Property: Poison LV2
- Size: Small
- EXP/JEXP: 970/905

- Level: 100
- HP: 9233
- DEF/MDEF: 98/43
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Wind LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1387/1316

- Level: 107
- HP: 14944
- DEF/MDEF: 101/36
- Class: Normal
- Family: Insect
- Property: Earth LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1937/1759

- Level: 104
- HP: 12633
- DEF/MDEF: 146/34
- Class: Normal
- Family: Formless
- Property: Earth LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1685/1527

- Level: 63
- HP: 1902
- DEF/MDEF: 46/20
- Class: Normal
- Family: Insect
- Property: Wind LV2
- Size: Small
- EXP/JEXP: 588/532

- Level: 109
- HP: 81114
- DEF/MDEF: 260/86
- Class: Boss
- Family: Formless
- Property: Earth LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 14930/12940

- Level: 105
- HP: 73864
- DEF/MDEF: 232/114
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demon
- Property: Water LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 13870/13160

- Dropped By: Sting
- Can Wear: All
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 100 · DEF: 10
- A soggy hat that mimics a Sting.
- STR +2, VIT +1, MDEF +3.
- +10% Earth damage, +5% Fire damage.
- -5% damage from Earth element monsters.
![Fox Armguard [1]](
- Dropped By: Corrupted Sting
- Can Wear: Ninja series
- Required Level: 100
- Weight: 20 · DEF: 1
- Armguard that depicts a fascinating fox.
- ATK +3, -3% Variable Cast.
- Refinable.
- If +9 or higher, +2 additional ATK and -2% Variable Cast.
![Huuma Swirling Petal [2]](
- Dropped By: Corrupted Sting, (Einbroch Weapon Random Option)
- Can Wear: Ninja series
- Required Level: 100
- Weight: 150 · ATK: 240
- Using this weapon feels like you're surrounded by numerous petals.
- ATK +3%.
- Indestructible.
- If +7 or higher, +15% [Swirling Petal] damage.
- If +9 or higher, reduces [Swirling Petal] cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
![Huuma Fluttering Snow [2]](
- Dropped By: Corrupted Gargoyle, (Einbroch Weapon Random Option)
- Can Wear: Ninja series
- Required Level: 100
- Weight: 130 · ATK: 180
- A bright, blue-colored Huuma Shuriken.
- MATK +260, MATK +5%.
- Indestructible.
- If +7 or higher, +35% [Freezing Spear] damage.
- If +9 or higher, +40% [Snow Flake Drift] damage.
Fox Armguard [1], Huuma Swirling Petal [2], and Huuma Fluttering Snow [2] were added in the 2019.04.10 page update.
A note was added in the 2019.04.10 page update linking to the Random Options → Fever Options → Armor section of the kRO website. I assume this is to clarify what kind of Random Options are on the equipment dropped by the monsters on this map.
Ragnarok Zero Changelogs
The information for this piece of content changed over time on Ragnarok Zero. When possible, this section links to the different versions of the original source article on the Ragnarok Zero website.