[39] June Development Details - Part 1
[ 2018.06.01 ]
Hello Ragnarok Zero users, this is the Ragnarok Zero team from RO1 Studio. Today we will let you know about some of the updates that will be made in June.
1. New recovery item
A new recovery consumable, Syrup (시럽) will be added. All Syrups have a required base level of 60. HP Syrups have a cooldown of 1 second, Blue Syrups have a cooldown of 10 seconds.

2. Ninja skill cast time adjustments
Some skill cast time and cooldowns will be adjusted for Ninja. For more specific values see Maintenance Note #192.
Flaming Petals (홍염화) / Freezing Spear (빙섬창) / Wind Blade (풍인)
- Fixed cast reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds on a 10 level basis.
- Variable cast reduced from 2.8 seconds to 1.5 seconds on a 10 level basis.
Exploding Dragon (폭염룡)
- Fixed cast reduced from 0.8 seconds to 0.5 seconds on a 5-level basis.
- Variable cast reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds on a 5-level basis.
Snow Flake Drift (빙정락)
- Variable cast reduced from 1.7 seconds to 0.8 seconds on a 5-level basis.
First Wind (삭풍)
- Variable cast reduced from 1.2 seconds to 0.8 seconds on a 5-level basis.
Throw Huuma Shuriken (풍마수리검 던지기)
- Variable cast reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds on a 5-level basis.
Killing Stroke (일섬)
- Fixed cast of 1 second added.
- Variable cast of 0.5 seconds added.
- Skill cooldown increased from 2.7 seconds to 5 seconds.