Amatsu is inspired by the country of Japan. It is one of a number of localized regions added to Ragnarok Online. Amatsu boasts a variety of quests, a field and dungeon filled with challenging monsters, and regional Yin Yang weapons. The lore of Amatsu, also referred to as "The Land of Heaven", goes a little like this: "In the long ago past, a stranger traveling from Alberta was caught in a horrible storm, and washed up on the foreign village of Amatsu. This was how Amatsu was discovered. Later, the King of Rune Midgard and the Lord of Amatsu established a booming full-scale trade relationship, causing countless adventurers and merchants to flock to Amatsu in anticipation of unfamiliar landscapes and new adventures."
Amatsu was also when the Ninja class was added to Ragnarok Zero. Read on to learn more about Amatsu in Ragnarok Zero!

If you pay 10,000 zeny to the "Amatsu Ambassador" (“아마쯔 홍보 사신”) (alberta 246 34), you can go to Amatsu. All quests in Amatsu only work for characters with a base level of 70 or higher.

Amatsu Quests
Amatsu has a variety of one-time and daily quests you can do. Some of these quests will be familiar to long-time players of RO, while others are new. Also the old quests have been mostly reworked!
Secrets of Touko Castle (토우코 성의 비밀)

NPC: ▷ Munji Soldier (amatsu 164 174)
Mrs. Chiyo, the mother of Lord Amatsu, has come down with a strange illness. The Lord wants to use the wisdom of the "Outlanders" to cure Mrs. Chiyo's illness.
- Base & Job EXP
- Ability to enter the Amatsu Dungeon
- 7 different daily quests provided by the following NPCs: Mrs. Chiyo (ama_in01 22, 111), Access Control Officer (ama_in02 116, 178), and Takehue (ama_in01 180, 173).
Momotaro Experience Exhibition (모모타로 체험전)

NPC: ▷ Momonta (amatsu 223 236)
The classical, popular book, "Momotaro" has sold one million copies! Experience the story with this quest.
- Base EXP
- First time: First Class Meal (+10 stat food)
Amatsu Souvenirs - Yin Yang Weapons
Outside of the quests, the other draw for players to Amatsu have to do with the Yin Yang Weapons. This section is all about how to obtain these weapons, a description of each weapon, and the random options they can be given.

Monsters That Drop Spirit Stones
- Karakasa
- Tengu
- Kapha
- Miyabi Doll
- Shinobi
- Firelock Soldier
- Poisonous Toad
You can exchange 20 Spirit Stone for 1 random Yin Yang Weapon from the NPC named Reisei. For 150,000 Zeny*In June 2018 was changed to Zeny, but previously it was 10 Spirit Stone, you can purchase a Yin Yang Magical Scroll to give magic options to your Yin Yang Weapon, or
Yin Yang Physical Scroll to give physical options to your Yin Yang Weapon.
Yin Yang Weapon Random Options

- You can use both the Yin Yang Physical Scroll and the Yin Yang Magical Scroll for all Yin Yang weapons.
- When using the Yin Yang Physical Scroll or Yin Yang Magical Scroll, options are granted from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 2.
- The Yin Yang Weapon's refine level and slotted cards will not be reset when using the random options scrolls.
- You can re-grant options by using the Yin Yang Physical Scroll or Yin Yang Magical Scroll on Yin Yang Weapons that already have random options.
The options that each scroll can grant are the same as those for the Louyang weapons. Click here to visit that section of the Louyang page.
Below are descriptions of all of the Yin Yang weapons.
![Yin Yang Sword [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Swordsman, Merchant
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A sword imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Bow [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Archer, Rogue
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 100 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A bow imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Dagger [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Swordsman, Thief, Merchant
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A dagger imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Broadsword [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Swordsman
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 180 · Level: 3
- A sword imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Axe [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Merchant
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 140 · ATK: 180 · Level: 3
- An axe imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Katar [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Merchant
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 120 · ATK: 150 · Level: 3
- A katar imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Book [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Sage, Priest
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A book imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK/MATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK/MATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK/MATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK/MATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK/MATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK/MATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Staff [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Novice, Mage, Acolyte
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 40 · Level: 3
- A staff imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- MATK +130
- Indestructible
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Spear [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Swordsman
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 140 · ATK: 180 · Level: 3
- A spear imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Mace [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Novice, Swordsman, Acolyte, Merchant
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 120 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A mace imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- Indestructible
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Knuckles [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Monk, Priest
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A knuckles imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Whip [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Dancer
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A whip imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Guitar [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Bard
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A guitar imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- +5% ATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK against Fire enemies
![Yin Yang Asura [2]](
- Crafted From: 20 Spirit Stone
- Can Wear: Ninja
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 80 · ATK: 130 · Level: 3
- A ninja dagger imbued with the power of yin and yang.
- MATK +70
- +5% ATK/MATK against Demon monsters
- +5% ATK/MATK against Fire enemies
- If +7 or higher, additional +5% ATK/MATK against Demon monsters, +5% ATK/MATK against Fire enemies
- If +9 or higher, additional +10% ATK/MATK against Demon monsters, +10% ATK/MATK against Fire enemies
Amatsu Craftable Headgear
Besides the above Amatsu weapons, there are also two craftable headgear in Amatsu. Talk to "A Foreign Minstrel" (이국의 음유시인) at ama_in01 171, 17 to make the Dragon General Helm [1] (어느 장수의 투구[1]). Talk to "Object Head" (오브젝트 헤드) at ama_in01 180, 75 to make the Charcoal Stove (뜨거운 화로[0).

![Dragon General Helm [1]](
- Crafted From: Various ingredients
- Can Wear: All Jobs
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 90 · DEF: 10
- A helm of longevity.
- ATK +30.
- ATK +10 per 2 refine.
- If +7 or higher, +7% ASPD.
- If +9 or higher, ATK +10%.

- Crafted From: Various ingredients
- Can Wear: All Jobs
- Required Level: 70
- Weight: 60 · DEF: 0
- A helm that looks like a cooking brazier. Because it is for decoration, you cannot actually cook on it, but since it looks so realistic it's often confused with the real thing.
- Heal amount increased by 10%.
The ingredients needed to make the above headgears can be found on the Craftable Equipment page.
Additional Equipment
Beyond the Yin Yang weapons, additional equipment was added with Amatsu as well.
- Dropped By: Miyabi Doll
- Can Wear: Sage, Priest, Taekwon Master
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 50 · ATK: 90 · Level: 3
- A forbidden book with magical powers.
- Increases damage done by Fire Bolt, Colt Bolt and Lightning Bolt by 5%.
- If +7 or higher, +5% additional damage done by Fire Bolt, Colt Bolt and Lightning Bolt.
- If +9 or higher, +10% additional damage done by Fire Bolt, Colt Bolt and Lightning Bolt.
![Koikiri [1]](
- Dropped By: Shinobi
- Can Wear: Ninja
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 70 · ATK: 120 · Level: 3
- A dagger (wakizashi) surrounded by a thick fog.
- +5% increase in [Shadow Slash] damage.
- If +7 or higher, +5% additional [Shadow Slash] damage.
- If +9 or higher, +10% additional [Shadow Slash] damage.

- Dropped By: Tengu
- Can Wear: All Jobs
- Required Level: 60
- Weight: 3 · DEF: 10
- A mask used by Tengu.
- CRIT +3.
- Critical damage +3%.
Huuma Shuriken
The following monsters drop table were updated to include Huuma Shuriken.
Huuma Wing Shuriken dropped by Assaulter and Assaulter Ringleader.
Huuma Blaze Shuriken dropped by Poisonous Toad.
Huuma Giant Wheel Shuriken [4] dropped by Tengu. Also added to Myst Case drop table, replacing Fly Wing, but wasn't specified how many slots it had. See this maintenance note.
Amatsu Monsters
The Amatsu field and dungeon are filled with monsters! The monster stats below reflect the most recent update to the Amatsu page on the Ragnarok Zero website. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to locate the older versions, so we're not able to say how the monsters' stats changed over time. Read about the latest version of them below.

- Level: 100
- HP: 12108
- DEF/MDEF: 186/35
- Class: Normal
- Family: Formless
- Property: Neutral LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1955/1799

- Level: 100
- HP: 45405
- DEF/MDEF: 186/35
- Class: Normal
- Family: Formless
- Property: Neutral LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 9776/8996

- Level: 102
- HP: 14697
- DEF/MDEF: 122/46
- Class: Normal
- Family: Fish
- Property: Water LV1
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 2169/2026

- Level: 105
- HP: 20332
- DEF/MDEF: 114/23
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Shadow LV1
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 2341/2192

- Level: 105
- HP: 76245
- DEF/MDEF: 114/23
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Shadow LV1
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 11707/10960

- Level: 105
- HP: 17846
- DEF/MDEF: 160/50
- Class: Normal
- Family: Brute
- Property: Poison LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 2104/1974

- Level: 105
- HP: 53539
- DEF/MDEF: 160/50
- Class: Normal
- Family: Brute
- Property: Poison LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 10520/9870

- Level: 107
- HP: 41683
- DEF/MDEF: 144/36
- Class: Normal
- Family: Undead
- Property: Undead LV2
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 6463/5231

- Level: 110
- HP: 49872
- DEF/MDEF: 268/55
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demon
- Property: Earth LV2
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 7080/6390

- Level: 108
- HP: 47875
- DEF/MDEF: 98/54
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-Human
- Property: Fire LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 6848/6471

- Level: 108
- HP: 179531
- DEF/MDEF: 98/54
- Class: Normal
- Family: Demi-Human
- Property: Fire LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 34238/32357

- Level: 56
- HP: 1707
- DEF/MDEF: 63/15
- Class: Normal
- Family: Formless
- Property: Neutral LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 477/424

- Level: 66
- HP: 1701
- DEF/MDEF: 84/35
- Class: Normal
- Family: Formless
- Property: Fire LV4
- Size: Small
- EXP/JEXP: 625/569

- Level: 97
- HP: 8939
- DEF/MDEF: 32/39
- Class: Normal
- Family: Formless
- Property: Neutral LV3
- Size: Medium
- EXP/JEXP: 1330/1259

- Level: 127
- HP: 2,973,300
- DEF/MDEF: 210/178
- Class: Boss
- Family: Demi-Human
- Property: Shadow LV3
- Size: Large
- EXP/JEXP: 1804032/1309176
Ragnarok Zero Changelogs
The information for this piece of content changed over time on Ragnarok Zero. When possible, this section links to the different versions of the original source article on the Ragnarok Zero website.
- 2018-05-21 - Original
- 2018-09-23 - Updated