God Items & Quests (신급 아이템 및 퀘스트)
God Items are strong pieces of equipment that require great time, coordination, and energy to create. Ragnarok Zero updated the God Items themselves, changing their effects somewhat from their Renewal-counterparts. Otherwise the quests and materials to make the God Items have largely remained the same. Read on to learn more!
Making God Items
If you are a Guild Master and have all the ingredients for a God Item, you can bring them to the Grunburti (그룬부르티) NPC in the guild dungeons to make it for you.

You can only make a God Item once all the quests for that God Item have been completed.
The Items

- Named after Odin's trusty steed, these shoes also mimic Sleipnir's powers.
- MaxHP +20%, MaxSP +20%, SP Recovery Rate +100%, MDEF +10
- Increases damage done to enemies of all elements by 1% for every 10 base levels.
- For every 15 base DEX, -10% fixed cast (up to -80% fixed cast reduction).
- Increased movement speed.
- This item cannot be refined.
- Indestructible.

- An imitation of the necklace worn by the beautiful goddess Freyja.
- STR, AGI, DEX, and VIT +3. LUK, INT, and MDEF +5.
- For every 20 STR, ATK +3.
- For every 20 AGI, FLEE +3, +2% ASPD.
- For every 20 VIT, MaxHP +2%, DEF +5.
- For every 20 INT, MATK +3, +3% [Heal] amount.
- For every 20 DEX, HIT +3, -3% Variable Casting.
- For every 20 LUK, CRIT +2, +3% Critical damage.
- This item cannot be refined.
- Indestructible.
- * Added on 2018.09.19.

- A reproduction of the girdle of might that Thor wore to enhance his prodigious strength.
- STR +40, MDEF +7.
- For every 5 base levels, +1 additional STR. (Original korean is vague (착용자의 BaseLV에 따라 STR 추가 증가.), so using effect for non-Zero version.)
- If base STR is 120 or higher, +10% physical damage to Boss monsters.
- This item cannot be refined.
- Indestructible.
- * Added on 2019.02.18 along with the Payon siege map.

- A facsimile of the mighty hammer wielded by Thor, god of thunder.
- DEX +20, STR +20.
- HIT +100.
- Adds a 10% chance of casting level 10 [Thunder Storm] on the target when performing a physical attack.
- Adds a 5% chance of activating splash damage for 10 seconds when performing a close physical attack.
- ASPD +10%. (Original korean is vague (무한 공격속도 가속화), so using effect for non-Zero version.)
- This item cannot be refined.
- Indestructible.
- * Added on 2018.07.22 along with the Aldebaran siege map.
Quest Information
The God Item quests themselves don't seem to have changed much from their Renewal versions. See the iRO Wiki page for specific information about the different Seal quests.
- A God Item Quest can be repeated.
- A God Item Quests are conducted in four stages, and the next God Item Quest will be opened when 100 people complete the previous one.
- Up to 200 people can complete each God Item Quest. Once 200 people have completed the quest, it will be closed.
- God Item creation will be opened when 200 God Item Quests from each stage (1 - 4) are completed. At this itime, a Guild Master with all the ingredients can visit Grunburti to make the God Item.
1st God Item Quest (Seal #1) - Sleipnir
Noi (iRO: Noyee), a Yuno resident, cares about a certain lab that apparently helps with amazing research.

- Prerequisites: None
- Level Requirement: Base level 70 or higher
- Start Location: Yuno Resident Noi (유노주민 노이) (yuno 164, 200)
- Reward: A random armor from Cukure & EXP
2nd God Item Quest (Seal #2) - Megingjard
*Added on 2019-02-18 when the Payon WoE map was also added.
Royal Crusader Rebarev Doug (레베이레브 독) is looking for news of the former members of his unit. Let's find the whereabouts of the former troops at his request.

- Prerequisites: 100 players clear the Sleipnir Quest
- Level Requirement: Base level 70 or higher
- Start Location: Rebarev Doug (레베이레브 독) (prt_cas 178, 243)
- Reward: Old Blue Box (OBB) & EXP
3rd God Item Quest (Seal #3) - Brisingamen
*Added on 2018-09-19.
Nelliorde, a bard at the southern gate of Prontera, has some interesting information. Let's get a letter of recommendation from him and help Enrico of the Yuno Monster Society.

- Prerequisites: 100 players clear the Megingjard Quest
- Level Requirement: Base level 70 or higher
- Start Location: Bard Nelliorde (음유시인 넬류어드) (prt_fild08 175, 373)
- Reward: A random card from Enrico & EXP
4th God Item Quest (Seal #4) - Mjolnir
*Added on 2019-07-22 when the Aldebaran WoE map was also added.
Tiafli had a mysterious dream last night. Based on what Tiafli has told us, let's visit the blacksmith dwarves in the Mjolnir mountains to find out more.

- Prerequisites: 100 players clear the Brisingamen Quest
- Level Requirement: Base level 70 or higher
- Start Location: Tiafli (티알피) (prontera 124, 297)
- Reward: A random level 3 or level 4 weapon from Tiafli's family treasure & EXP
WoE Treasure Chest Items Updated
*During the 2019.12.11 maintenance, the number of castles per realm was reduced from 5 to 3. The realms that were closed are marked in each section below. There was very little mention of how the God Item materials in those closed realms were distributed amongst the other realms still open in that region.
Prontera - Valkyrie Realm
The items needed to craft Sleipnir can be found in the WoE Treasure Chests from the castles in Prontera's Valkyrie Realm.
- Kriemhild (Valkyrie 1):
Wheel of the Unknown (미지의 톱니바퀴)
- Swanhild (Valkyrie 2):
Spirit of Fish (물고기의 영혼)
- Fadhgrindh (Valkyrie 3)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Feather of Angel Wing (물천사의 날개깃털)
- Skoegul (Valkyrie 4):
Emblem of the Sun God (태양신의 상징)
- Gondul (Valkyrie 5)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Breath of Spirit (영혼의 숨소리)
Geffen - Britoniah Realm
*Added on 2018-09-19.
The items needed to craft Brisingamen can be found in the WoE Treasure Chests from the castles in Geffen's Britoniah Realm.
- Repherion (Britoniah 1):
Silver Ornament (은장식)
- Eeyorbriggar (Britoniah 2):
Snow Crystal (눈의 결정)
- Yesnelph (Britoniah 3)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Ripple (조용한 물결)
- Bergel (Britoniah 4):
Freya's Jewel (프레이야의 보석)
- Mersetzdeitz (Britoniah 5)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Drifting Air (흐르는 공기)
Payon - Balder (Greenwood Lake) Realm
*Added on 2019-02-18 when the Payon WoE map was also added.
The items needed to craft Megingjard can be found in the WoE Treasure Chests from the castles in Payon's Balder (Greenwood Lake) Realm.
- Bright Arbor (Balder 1):
Cat Tread (고양이의 발소리)
- Sacred Palace (Balder 2)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Sputum of Bird (새의 침)
- Holy Shadow (Balder 3):
Sinew of Bear (곰의 힘줄)
- Scarlet Palace (Balder 4):
Root of Stone (돌의 뿌리)
- Bamboo Grove Hill (Balder 5)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Woman's Moustache (여인의 수염)
Aldebaran - Luina Realm
*Added on 2019-07-22 when the Aldebaran WoE map was also added.
The items needed to craft Mjolnir can be found in the WoE Treasure Chests from the castles in Aldebaran's Luina Realm.
- Neuschwanstein (Luina 1):
Billow (몰아치는 파도)
- Hohenschwangau (Luina 2)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Thor's Gauntlets (토르의 쇠장갑)
- Nuernberg (Luina 3):
Iron Maiden (아이언 메이든)
- Wuerzburg (Luina 4)*Closed on 2019.12.11:
Wrath of Valkyrie (발키리의 분노)
- Rothenburg (Luina 5):
Omen of Tempest (폭풍우의 징조)
Ragnarok Zero Changelogs
The information for this piece of content changed over time on Ragnarok Zero. When possible, this section links to the different versions of the original source article on the Ragnarok Zero website.
- 2018-08-07 - Original
- 2018-09-19 - Updated
- 2019-02-18 - Updated
- 2019-07-22 - Updated
- 2019-07-24